News from our hotel in Siusi allo Sciliar/Castelrotto

News from South Tyrol

Our hotel in Siusi allo Sciliar/Seis am Schlern-Castelrotto/Kastelruth is full of surprises and continually impresses with new highlights in and around our house. If you wish, we are happy to keep you informed about current events, interesting themes and all sorts of relevant information you may want to know when embarking on a holiday in the Dolomites. With us you stay up to date.

International recognition for Hotel Valentinerhof in Siusi allo Sciliar

The vita vital Hotel Valentinerhof received international recognition in 2012, when it was awarded the coveted Sleep European Hotel Design Award at the Park Plaza Hotel in London. Our hotel in Siusi allo Sciliar won the prize in the category dedicated to the best ...
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